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<table width="98%" border="0" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px" align="center" class="report_head">
<td align="left" valign="bottom">
<div><b><?php echo $spTextSA['Project Url']?></b>: <?php echo $projectInfo['url']?></div>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0px;"><b><?php echo $spText['label']['Updated']?></b>: <?php echo $projectInfo['last_updated']?></div>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0px;margin-top: 10px;"><b><?php echo $spText['label']['Total Results']?></b>: <?php echo $totalResults?></div>
$borderCollapseVal = "";
$hrefAction = 'href="javascript:void(0)"';
$mainLink = SP_WEBPATH."/siteauditor.php?project_id=$projectId&sec=showreport&report_type=$repType&pageno=$pageNo".$filter;
foreach ($headArr as $col => $val) {
if( ($col == $repType) || ($col == 'count')) {
$linkName = $col."Link";
$linkClass = "";
if ($col == $orderCol) {
$oVal = ($orderVal == 'DESC') ? "ASC" : "DESC";
$linkClass .= "sort_".strtolower($orderVal);
} else {
$oVal = $orderVal;
$$linkName = "<a id='sortLink' class='$linkClass' href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"scriptDoLoadPost('siteauditor.php', 'search_form', 'subcontent', '&sec=showreport&order_col=$col&order_val=$oVal')\">$val</a>";
if(!empty($pdfVersion) || !empty($printVersion)) {
// if pdf report to be generated
if ($pdfVersion) {
showPdfHeader($spTextTools['Auditor Reports']);
$borderCollapseVal = "border-collapse: collapse;";
$hrefAction = "";
} else {
showPrintHeader($spTextTools['Auditor Reports']);
} else {
<td align="right" valign="bottom">
<a href="<?php echo $mainLink?>&doc_type=pdf"><img src="<?php echo SP_IMGPATH?>/icon_pdf.png"></a>
<a href="<?php echo $mainLink?>&doc_type=export"><img src="<?php echo SP_IMGPATH?>/icoExport.gif"></a>
<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo $mainLink?>&doc_type=print"><img src="<?php echo SP_IMGPATH?>/print_button.gif"></a>
<?php echo $pagingDiv?>
<?php }?>
<?php $linkLabel = $repType."Link";?>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="list" style="<?php echo $borderCollapseVal; ?>">
<tr class="plainHead">
<td class="left"><?php echo $spText['common']['No']?></td>
<td><?php echo $$linkLabel?></td>
<td width="30%"><?php echo $headArr["page_urls"]?></td>
<td class="right"><?php echo $countLink?></td>
$colCount = 4;
if(count($list) > 0){
$catCount = count($list);
foreach($list as $i => $listInfo){
$class = ($i % 2) ? "blue_row" : "white_row";
if( !$i || ($catCount != ($i + 1)) ){
$leftBotClass = "td_left_border td_br_right";
$rightBotClass = "td_br_right";
$pageUrls = "";
foreach($listInfo['page_urls'] as $urlInfo) {
$pageUrls .= "<a target='_blank' href='{$urlInfo['page_url']}'>{$urlInfo['page_url']}</a><br>";
<tr class="<?php echo $class?>">
<td class="<?php echo $leftBotClass?> left"><?php echo $i+1?></td>
<td class="td_br_right left"><?php echo $listInfo[$repType]?></td>
<td class="td_br_right left"><?php echo $pageUrls?></td>
<td class="<?php echo $rightBotClass?>"><?php echo $listInfo['count']?></td>
echo showNoRecordsList($colCount-2, '', true);
<tr class="listBot">
<td class="left" colspan="<?php echo ($colCount-1)?>"></td>
<td class="right"></td>
if(!empty($printVersion) || !empty($pdfVersion)) {
echo $pdfVersion ? showPdfFooter($spText) : showPrintFooter($spText);